When you prpare for another term at school or away at college, there are many items that have to be bought and packed. The family car will be groaning with purchases by mum and dad. Bedding, computers, towels, cooking pans – you name it, there will be one or a set in that car! The difference with online education and learning resources, there is no needf for these expenses. No leaving the family home to attend university. or college, the courses open to you if you use electronic learning lessons. They generally deliver the same materials but in chunks in topics that are submitted electroncally for ‘marking’ by the tutor. The tutor of course will be on hand to answer emails ande usually these days they will talk to students on video. Ironically, all university students endured 2 years of delivery by video during the covid pandemic. There was no refund of the student fees either by the sound of it.